Friday 26 March 2010

Record of the Week: Vangelis: "Who Killed the Dragon?" (Finders Keepers)

Amazing music by progmaster Vangelis lovingly repackaged by the good people at Finders Keepers as a limited 12" EP containing some of the Alpha Beta Stuff and what was previously released on his album "The Dragon".
As far as I'm aware these are some of the first recordings he did after his Bible-themed masterpiece with Aphrodite's Child "666". Amazing synths, amazing musicianship (the dude who recorded that glorious bass on "Melody Nelson" is on here) and it's simply quite a trip.
I find myself flipping the record constantly, playing it on repeat and feeling better about myself for possessing such a gem. A must have. Thanks again to the ever-reliable folks at Finders Keepers!
Click below to listen to "Stuffed Tomato". I don't know why it says it's by me, Soundcloud does that and my computer illiteracy is to be blamed, as I don't know how to change it. It's obviously by Vangelis.
03 Stuffed Tomato by memoguerra

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